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Regional North America Canada Science and Environment

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Promotes the development of a Canadian commercial biodiesel industry. Introduction to biodiesel, fuel uses, news items, where to buy, and publications.
Strengthens the land trust movement in Canada through education and training and to promote the voluntary conservation of private lands.
Information management community. Information about chapters in Canada.
Supports the development and maintenance of applied and industrial mathematics in Canada. Provides news, membership information and awards.
Establish minimum standards of practice and encourage professional growth. Includes certification, training, jobs, and conferences. Many documents use the PDF file format.
CAG is the national organization representing practicing geographers from public and private sectors and from universities. Provides events, publications and contact information.
Covers all branches of palynology from the Paleozoic through the Quaternary. Provides newsletter and information resource on Canadian palynology.
Information on the association for physicists living in Canada.
Provides information about bioinformatics in Canada. Workshops, certification and resources.
Offering new information about genetic discoveries.
The CCEA is committed to establishing a network of protected areas linked together in a system that will protect Canada's terrestrial and aquatic diversity in perpetuity.
Non-profit organization that uses existing laws to protect and advocate for the environment. Provides publications and documents related to CELA's client representation.
Leveraging genetics and genomics to help with disease and bring societal benefits to the population of Canada.
CIPS is an association of Canadian information technology (IT) professionals. Provide membership information and resources for members.
Provide leadership in the development of environmental law and policy that promotes the public interest. Site provides news, history, reports and contact information.
A business association dedicated to serving the geomatics industry in Canada. Provides information on membership, publications links and products.
To provide a sampling of the best applied scholarly research conducted by Royal Roads University graduates. Topics include: sustainability, innovation, and leadership in practical and participatory research.
Works to advance and promote mathematics studies across the country. Includes publications, meetings, student contests, and teaching career listings.
Information on the CMS including activities and publications.
Canada's principal society for engineering in medicine and biology. It is affiliated with the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE)and is directed toward the advancement of the theory and practice of medical device technology and the advancement of individuals in Canada who are engaged in interdisciplinary work involving engineering, the life sciences and medicine.
Mission is the advancement of meteorology and oceanography in Canada. Provides information on services, membership and links.
A mycological portal for Canadians. Information and links which are useful for amateur and professional mycologists.
Provides information, bulletins and activities. Site in English and French.
Publisher of scientific journals and not-for-profit leader in mobilizing scientific knowledge.
Soils maps and descriptions, plus information on related topics in agriculture and ecology.
Program to take polluting cars off the roads in British Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario. Participants are offered a free tow of the vehicle and financial incentives.
Umbrella organization for the Canadian Society for Chemistry, the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering and the Canadian Society for Chemical Technology. Information and resources.
An environmental non-profit organization working to design a vision of Earth in which humans live within the planet's productive capacity, and finding and communicating practical steps to bring that vision to reality. Includes news and articles.
Includes list of year-round programs and links to sales sites.
Protects the environment by upholding and enforcing Canada's environmental laws, providing free legal advice and representation. Information on environmental conditions and issues (examples include air and water pollution, impacts of logging, endangered species, and B.C. salmon).
Canadian group has been an active advocate in protecting the environment since 1972. Working on issues of transportartion, wilderness, sustainable communities and the marine environment.
Provides one-stop resources for environmental information. News, events, links, issues and archives.
An independent think tank of public policy researchers, assisted by a team of interns, volunteers, and other support staff, working in diverse areas of concern to citizens. Features news, speakers bureau details and annual report.
Regulates the practice of engineering in Canada. Provides information on their national programs, guidelines, policies, services and initiatives.
Promoting research and disseminating knowledge of insects. Contains history of the organization, publications, articles, common names of insects, calendar of meetings and events, and links.
To equip Canadians to participate in shaping international trade and finance regimes that enhance environmental quality, social cohesion and sustainable development at home and abroad
EBI is a project of the Energy Probe Research Foundation (EPRF). Protect public resources through the application and enforcement of environmental laws.Features the Citizens Guide to Environmental Investigation and Private Prosecution online.
Provides assistance in environmental law for environmental protection and the tools and knowledge to protect and improve the environment. Site has news, articles and resources.
Work to create healthy cities through innovative community naturalization projects across Canada - on school grounds, on public lands, and on the home landscape. Provides information about programs, resources and events.
Canada’s first and only multidisciplinary, open access science journal.
Environmental organizations that campaign on the most urgent environmental and social issues of the day. Information on the activities of FOE.
Meet some great Canadian scientists and learn about their achievements. The site consists of early draft chapters of the book, as well as a great reference for learning more about the scientists.
Independent campaigning organization that uses non-violent, creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems. Provides information, news, resources and research solutions.
Internet publication by the Canada Foundation for Innovation-an independent corporation established by the Government of Canada in 1997. Features research news and stories based on the projects that receive support.
IISD promotes sustainable development in decision-making. Info on Community Adaptation and Sustainable Livelihoods (CASL) program. Resources addressing climate change and adaptation in the Arctic and Great Plains.
To support early-career scientists to conduct and communicate world-class research that informs conservation and management issues relevant to Canada.
Federal cultural agency responsible for collecting and preserving Canada's published heritage so that it's available for present and future generations of Canadians.
National public foundation providing grants to charities addressing inequality and environmental stewardship in Canada. News from recent projects and tips for donors and grant seekers. Formerly known as Tides Canada Foundation.
Provides response to the threats to public health, water and air quality, fish and wildlife habitat and community interests posed by irresponsible mineral policies and practices in Canada and around the world.
NSERC supports both basic university research through research grants and project research through partnerships of universities with industry, as well as the advanced training of highly qualified people in both areas.
National charity that protects Canada's most threatened natural habitats and the endangered species within.
The CEC address regional environmental concerns and promote the enforcement of environmental law. Complements the environmental provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Provides news, events, projects, information and resources.
PAGSE is a cooperative association of more than 20 national organizations in science and engineering. Provides information on events, publications and links.
Independent, citizen-based non-profit organization involved in environmental education, research, public policy development, and corporate environmental management services.
A gateway to environment, peace and sustainable living sites, featuring eco-jobs, volunteer opportunities, events, resources, and an e-mail newsletter.
A Canadian environmental organization on many issues. Provides information, publications and activities.
A platform for public engagement with leading scientists. To foster critical thinking, expand science dialogue and promote informed decision making.
Devoted to science, conservation, and communication. Co-host of The Nature of Things. Daughter of David Suzuki.
Government of Canada portal for science and technology. Provides features, links, news and activities for the public like Citizen Watch.
Science blogging from Canadian perspectives. Each week a volunteer hosts the channel.
Canada's national science festival with events across cities and hands-on activities.
A science showdown where science lovers battle to communicate science.
Environment and culture activist, speaker and author. Daughter of David Suzuki.
Work on matters of public policy and environmental awareness. Information on local chapters and working groups in every region of the country.
Canadian based space news and analysis. Independent, open journalism. Canada's leading news source covering the space sector.
Promoting and defending Canadian science and scientists. Use hashtag #cdnsci to share an interesting Canadian science-related development.
Information, resources and publications.
Provides funding for grassroots environmental projects across the country. Includes information about ways to get involved and grants.
Devoted to science, conservation, and communication. Co-host of The Nature of Things. Daughter of David Suzuki.
Environment and culture activist, speaker and author. Daughter of David Suzuki.
Internet publication by the Canada Foundation for Innovation-an independent corporation established by the Government of Canada in 1997. Features research news and stories based on the projects that receive support.
An environmental non-profit organization working to design a vision of Earth in which humans live within the planet's productive capacity, and finding and communicating practical steps to bring that vision to reality. Includes news and articles.
To provide a sampling of the best applied scholarly research conducted by Royal Roads University graduates. Topics include: sustainability, innovation, and leadership in practical and participatory research.
Information management community. Information about chapters in Canada.
Publisher of scientific journals and not-for-profit leader in mobilizing scientific knowledge.
The CCEA is committed to establishing a network of protected areas linked together in a system that will protect Canada's terrestrial and aquatic diversity in perpetuity.
A mycological portal for Canadians. Information and links which are useful for amateur and professional mycologists.
A business association dedicated to serving the geomatics industry in Canada. Provides information on membership, publications links and products.
Leveraging genetics and genomics to help with disease and bring societal benefits to the population of Canada.
Strengthens the land trust movement in Canada through education and training and to promote the voluntary conservation of private lands.
EBI is a project of the Energy Probe Research Foundation (EPRF). Protect public resources through the application and enforcement of environmental laws.Features the Citizens Guide to Environmental Investigation and Private Prosecution online.
National public foundation providing grants to charities addressing inequality and environmental stewardship in Canada. News from recent projects and tips for donors and grant seekers. Formerly known as Tides Canada Foundation.
Provides funding for grassroots environmental projects across the country. Includes information about ways to get involved and grants.
Establish minimum standards of practice and encourage professional growth. Includes certification, training, jobs, and conferences. Many documents use the PDF file format.
Offering new information about genetic discoveries.
Promotes the development of a Canadian commercial biodiesel industry. Introduction to biodiesel, fuel uses, news items, where to buy, and publications.
NSERC supports both basic university research through research grants and project research through partnerships of universities with industry, as well as the advanced training of highly qualified people in both areas.
Works to advance and promote mathematics studies across the country. Includes publications, meetings, student contests, and teaching career listings.
Supports the development and maintenance of applied and industrial mathematics in Canada. Provides news, membership information and awards.
Canadian based space news and analysis. Independent, open journalism. Canada's leading news source covering the space sector.
To support early-career scientists to conduct and communicate world-class research that informs conservation and management issues relevant to Canada.
A platform for public engagement with leading scientists. To foster critical thinking, expand science dialogue and promote informed decision making.
Promoting and defending Canadian science and scientists. Use hashtag #cdnsci to share an interesting Canadian science-related development.
A science showdown where science lovers battle to communicate science.
Canada’s first and only multidisciplinary, open access science journal.
Science blogging from Canadian perspectives. Each week a volunteer hosts the channel.
Canada's national science festival with events across cities and hands-on activities.
Includes list of year-round programs and links to sales sites.
A Canadian environmental organization on many issues. Provides information, publications and activities.
National charity that protects Canada's most threatened natural habitats and the endangered species within.
Umbrella organization for the Canadian Society for Chemistry, the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering and the Canadian Society for Chemical Technology. Information and resources.
Regulates the practice of engineering in Canada. Provides information on their national programs, guidelines, policies, services and initiatives.
Provides assistance in environmental law for environmental protection and the tools and knowledge to protect and improve the environment. Site has news, articles and resources.
An independent think tank of public policy researchers, assisted by a team of interns, volunteers, and other support staff, working in diverse areas of concern to citizens. Features news, speakers bureau details and annual report.
Independent campaigning organization that uses non-violent, creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems. Provides information, news, resources and research solutions.
Federal cultural agency responsible for collecting and preserving Canada's published heritage so that it's available for present and future generations of Canadians.
Canada's principal society for engineering in medicine and biology. It is affiliated with the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE)and is directed toward the advancement of the theory and practice of medical device technology and the advancement of individuals in Canada who are engaged in interdisciplinary work involving engineering, the life sciences and medicine.
Promoting research and disseminating knowledge of insects. Contains history of the organization, publications, articles, common names of insects, calendar of meetings and events, and links.
Protects the environment by upholding and enforcing Canada's environmental laws, providing free legal advice and representation. Information on environmental conditions and issues (examples include air and water pollution, impacts of logging, endangered species, and B.C. salmon).
Soils maps and descriptions, plus information on related topics in agriculture and ecology.
IISD promotes sustainable development in decision-making. Info on Community Adaptation and Sustainable Livelihoods (CASL) program. Resources addressing climate change and adaptation in the Arctic and Great Plains.
Program to take polluting cars off the roads in British Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario. Participants are offered a free tow of the vehicle and financial incentives.
Canadian group has been an active advocate in protecting the environment since 1972. Working on issues of transportartion, wilderness, sustainable communities and the marine environment.
Provide leadership in the development of environmental law and policy that promotes the public interest. Site provides news, history, reports and contact information.
A gateway to environment, peace and sustainable living sites, featuring eco-jobs, volunteer opportunities, events, resources, and an e-mail newsletter.
Government of Canada portal for science and technology. Provides features, links, news and activities for the public like Citizen Watch.
Mission is the advancement of meteorology and oceanography in Canada. Provides information on services, membership and links.
CAG is the national organization representing practicing geographers from public and private sectors and from universities. Provides events, publications and contact information.
Covers all branches of palynology from the Paleozoic through the Quaternary. Provides newsletter and information resource on Canadian palynology.
Provides one-stop resources for environmental information. News, events, links, issues and archives.
PAGSE is a cooperative association of more than 20 national organizations in science and engineering. Provides information on events, publications and links.
The CEC address regional environmental concerns and promote the enforcement of environmental law. Complements the environmental provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Provides news, events, projects, information and resources.
Provides information about bioinformatics in Canada. Workshops, certification and resources.
Work to create healthy cities through innovative community naturalization projects across Canada - on school grounds, on public lands, and on the home landscape. Provides information about programs, resources and events.
Provides information, bulletins and activities. Site in English and French.
CIPS is an association of Canadian information technology (IT) professionals. Provide membership information and resources for members.
Work on matters of public policy and environmental awareness. Information on local chapters and working groups in every region of the country.
Independent, citizen-based non-profit organization involved in environmental education, research, public policy development, and corporate environmental management services.
Environmental organizations that campaign on the most urgent environmental and social issues of the day. Information on the activities of FOE.
Information on the CMS including activities and publications.
Information, resources and publications.
Information on the association for physicists living in Canada.
Non-profit organization that uses existing laws to protect and advocate for the environment. Provides publications and documents related to CELA's client representation.
Provides response to the threats to public health, water and air quality, fish and wildlife habitat and community interests posed by irresponsible mineral policies and practices in Canada and around the world.
Meet some great Canadian scientists and learn about their achievements. The site consists of early draft chapters of the book, as well as a great reference for learning more about the scientists.
To equip Canadians to participate in shaping international trade and finance regimes that enhance environmental quality, social cohesion and sustainable development at home and abroad

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September 6, 2024 at 21:03:12 UTC
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